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What is SH Creative?

SH creative was started as a way to help those either wanting to enter the art market, new to the art world in general, and aimed mainly in the primary middle art market. So that someone can learn about the art market without costly mistakes, losing rights to their work, having to worry about if their intellectual property would be jeopardized, or someone offering them them their representation to earn a quick buck at the newbies expense.

Since it is a largely unregulated market we have seen too many people get taken advantage of over the years. Artist 'reps' and third party gallery pop ups tend to be the ones that have been known to cause the most damage to artists and established art galleries. Then again our founder has sent more than one message to an artist to give a heads up that some faux art dealer is selling their work under someone else name at a fraction of the cost of production much less what it sells for from the artist (yes this happens- 2x last year alone to one artist).

So we started a silly little tic tok as a way to bring basic information to people. After all the more you know. Our day job is in the art market, our founder Summer, runs a chains of reputable, successful, art galleries whose core values are based in integrity. Which is why they are so successful. She was educated at Sotheby's in London, holds several degrees in Art & Business, has ran multimillion dollar Galleries, sat on various art boards, written about running successful museum marketing plans, and assisted countless artists from all market tiers in growing their person businesses. When people ask after her credentials they are equally quick to ask her for assistance; which she happily offers.

We all feel that art matters and its impact on our lives is crucial. So we like to be transparent, especially when so many others chose not to be. For those reasons you will see that the prices listed for consultancy services are almost nonexistent in art market terms. We priced them that way since if you were to come in contact with Summer, in person, she would happily give you that same time and answer your questions for free- as she has been known to do for years. Her time is a commodity and one we don't think she has enough of; so we compromised. Anything she can fit into one of her tictoks is her information to give away anything beyond that we book & charge for on the site.

We are here for Artists, Art Dealers, Galleries, Gallery Owners, Consultants, Advisors, and Anyone who wants to know more about the Market.

She also asked that we add- 'anyone asking them to work for a draw against commission should be avoided'- so we did boss- its here just like we promised.

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